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about lukas p. mayer
nm23 founder & ceo

"​passionate for people, digitalization, and leadership."

expertise | strategy, marketing, sales, leadership and entrepreneurship
experience | 20+ y management, 12+ y leadership, 8+ y entrepreneur
channels | b2b, b2c, ecommerce, retail, multi-channel communications
focus industries | service industry, leading e-commerce, FMCG, technical products for specialists, public sector and software as a service & IT
companies worked for:  international blue-chip companies / henkel, ibm ix ; innovative stars / zooplus; agency / mpc viennaambitious start-ups / firstbird, anyline, smarter ecommece, education / university of graz, bfi

#growth_evangalist #entrepreneur #leader #investor #business_developer #strategic_adviser #human


We are here.

Our door is always open for a good cup of coffee.

NM23 advisory
1050 vienna | austria | europe

chamber membership: 
austrian federal economic chamber

mail: hello #

grow smarter. grow faster. grow together.
your competitive growth advantage excells with the right partner.

Get in touch

We are always interested in growing together.

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We will come back to you shortly.
your NM23 advisory team

nm23 = networking minds 23 advisory network
© 2023 NM23. all rights reserved.

thank you for your interest.
your NM23 team

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